Featuring Johnny Cash: Fifty Years after Folsom and San Quentin, The Gold Discovery Revisited, and Preserving Ancient Vellum Bindings at the Sutro Library.
Requiescat In Pace: Mead Brokaw Kibbey, the Mead B. Kibbey Fellowship, Mead Kibbey’s Contribution to the University of California at Riverside, and Kibbey’s Donation of the Glass Lantern Slides of the Central Pacific Railroad by Alfred A. Hart.
Pony Express Historian Joe Nardone’s Gifts from the Trail, Creating Maynard Dixon’s A Pageant of Traditions Mural, and Celebrating Adolph Sutro’s 188th Birthday.
Presents Alfred Eichler: The Life of an Exceptional Architect & Watercolor Painter, Michael Bernick: A Treasure Trove of California Job History, and Adventures with Mr. and Mrs. Jack London.
Introducing Earl Cecil Payne’s Collection of 20th-Century Nature Photography, Public Libraries Are Unsung Heroes, and The Love Generation: Music and Art from the Summer of 1967.